The blue hunting is a hard work, but it´s also a whole lot of fun! And we love it. We sacrifice not only our time, but ourselves. A business in this industry is challenging and pushing our limits every day. But we choose this way because it simply is our passion.


A founder, an employee, a customer, a room, and a vision. That was the beginning. We become Denimhunters because we loved raw denim and faded jeans. That love is stronger than ever.


Understanding and fulfilling customers` and markets` dynamic demands. 
Developing and maintaining mutual relationships with our suppliers.
Constantly developing the potential of our human resources.


Passion is the key to success, the light on way. It is always pushing our limits, taking us over the challenges. We gives all we have, just because we love it.


There is little difference between the good sourcing agencies in terms of merchandising and quality. These are the minimum requirements.
We add human value to our service at every level. We care about our people, about our customers, and about our production partners. 


We are humble in our approach, but proud of our achievement
We are convinced of direction, but openminded for possibilities
We are humane in dealings, but demanding on expectations
We are focused on work, but care for social and spiritual needs


Trust: Believing in each other

Competency: continuous training and learning

Teamwork: open communication

Care: being responsible

our team